
Thursday, 10 September 2015

Andrew Goodwin Task - Fifth Harmony

This is a very popular music video which has been widely acclaimed for its power for women. Different aspects of the music video converge to the strong topic of feminism that is around in today’s society and how it is looked upon. This is shown firstly in this video through the mise en scene by their costumes. They are seen to be wearing suit jackets which are stereotypically seen on men to demonstrate power and authority in the workplace. But here it is seen paired with revealing shorts or skirts which shows that women have power whatever they are seen to be wearing. As recently women have been criticized for their attire in the media and so this would be a perfect in for a pop music video as it creates sex appeal whilst also providing links to popular topics.
A dance routine is very typical for a pop music video in association with a girl or boy band. This is because an extremely wide audience will be watching this genre, and so this video, including younger female generations. And young girls are constantly seen wanting to learn the dance moves from the new ‘hottest’ songs, much like young boys are eager to follow fashion trends which they see in pop music videos also. The girls in the music video are seen to be doing dance moves that are quite provocative but are used to show power and dominance of the female generation. This is shown because they are dancing on a stage with nothing around them, all focus is on them. This will be particularly popular as it means a younger generation will look up to these girls when watching this video as they will see them as strong and powerful and not afraid. It would be different if these girls were seen to be doing ballroom dancing or similar with a man; it would show that the woman is depending on the man instead of being independent.
Following on from the idea of independence and feminism, this is also shown when the girl group challenge the group of boys to an arm wrestling competition. These boys are seen to be wearing hoodies or tight vests with snap backs which is seen a lot in male music videos as it makes them see, “hard” or “scary” in some cases. The girls in the video are however showing that this isn’t the case. The girls are seen beating the men in the competition which once again exerts power for females.

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