How does copyright work in music?
When a song or piece of music is written, the person who wrote it owns the copyright and therefore has the right to decide how and when it should be played. Music is released, allowing individuals to purchase a song or piece which they can play at home. However, if an individual wishes to play that piece of music to a wider group of people, for example on their business or organisation’s premises, it is classed as a public performance. If you want to make a public performance you must first seek permission from the copyright owner of that song before you do so. This permission is known as a licence.
That is a brief overlook of how copyright works with music with means that we will have to contact the label/band/artist to ask if we can use their music for our own means. However for educational means we can use copyright music as long we have asked. As long as they don't reply saying that we can't use it, we are free to use it as much as we want.
So we will email the label/company and post the screenshots in a follow up post.
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