
Monday 14 September 2015

Group Roles

- From reviewing last years tasks, we decided that Esther would be more suited to this role as she was the main camera woman then too. She did a very good job and is extremely inventive when thinking of shot types to express the genre.
- Esther would be in charge of: remembering camera equipment, ensuring that clips have been saved, ensuring that clips have been uploaded.

ANNA CURRAN - Mise - en - Scene
- Anna has developed a great eye for pairing costume and props with the appropriate parts of the music video. She has thought of many different ways to express emotion through the Mise - en - Scene.
- Anna will be in charge of: bringing props, bringing costume, dressing the characters, bringing lighting.

ELLA SANDERS (myself) - Editing
- Last year I found myself becoming more confident with my editing skills as opposed to the camera work and Mise - en - Scene. This aspect is great for me as I am very capable with using technology and timing.
- I will be in charge of: making sure the video is in time to the music, colour correction, continuity, storyboards, and bringing any extra props to the scene.

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