We decided that for our own video that we should include both a narrative and performance as this is what at least 35% of the people in our target market research said that they would prefer in a music video. However we can see from our results that a story line is very important with 44% of our audience feeling that a 'story line' is the most important part.
We have decided that our performance that we will record the singer in the different locations lip syncing to 'What Would You Do'. These will be the same locations as the story line also. However, we haven't got the singer to play any instruments which is definitely popular in music videos, but the song hasn't got many predominant musical parts. For example, most songs involve a large guitar solo which is focussed a lot on when moving onto the music video.
For our story line, we have decided to rely heavily on the lyrics and what they are saying. The main theme is about a woman being a prostitute to try and keep her son from going hungry. We will try to follow this closely. There are lyrics depicting a club scene which we will replicate and will capture the dancing and the isolation of the girl within the crowds. We will also show her as being on the streets and begging for money or watching the world go by. All of these scenes show her as being isolated and 'lost' in a 'big world'.
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