
Wednesday 4 November 2015

Final Video - Editing 3 (Continuity)

These screenshots show how our continuity has been very important when we were piecing together our clips.
We have filmed the female character, Honor, smoking and we filmed her from the front and then side on. We then pieced these two clips together to show the different angles but we had to make sure that her lips were closed at the same time and that her blowing the smoke was all in order.
Also, at the line 'I took this girl outside with me, her name was Londie...' we pieced together three different clips to show the male and female character, Honor and Miles, walking and getting to the area where they performed.
Lastly, the bottom screenshot shows how we cut the clip of a club scene into very small sections and then deleted every other clip. This was to create a post production strobe light effect which paired well with the strobe we used in the pit with lighting.

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